Curriculum: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Communication Sciences and Disorders

General Education Courses

BIOL 101**Anatomy & Physiology I4 Credits
An emphasis on cellular and molecular levels and a survey of organs and organ systems introduces human structure and function.
BIOL 102**Anatomy & Physiology II4 Credits
Biology 102 continues the study of human structure and function, emphasizing cellular and molecular levels, and survey of organs and organ systems.
SOSC 341Understanding Statistical Inference3 Credits
This course introduces students to both descriptive and inferential statistics. The following concepts and techniques are included: measures of central tendency and variability; sampling distributions; interval estimation; hypothesis testing (t-test, ANOVA); correlation and regression; chi square tests. Statistical software projects are required. Prerequisite: MATH 102 or 115 or higher
SOCL SCIDetails below…3 Credits
Choose any social sciences elective (ECON, GEOG, HIST, PSCI, PSYC, SOC, or SOSC).
PHYS 120** *The Physics of Light and Sound Waves3 Credits
This course covers basic concepts of light, color, visual phenomena, and the physical principles involved in the description, generation, and reproduction of sound.
CHEM 120** *General, Organic and Biological Chemistry3 Credits
This course is a one-semester Chemistry course designed for non-Science majors including nursing students. Topics included are Measurement, Matter and Energy, Atoms and Elements, Compounds and Their Bonds, Chemical Quantities and Their Reactions, Gases, Solutions, Acids and Bases, Nuclear Radiation, Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Alkanes, Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, Organic Compounds with Oxygen and Sulfur, Carbohydrates, Carboxylic Acids, Esters, Amines, Amides, Lipids, Amino Acids, Proteins, Enzymes, Nucleic Acids, Protein Synthesis, Metabolic Pathways and Energy Production.

CMSD Courses

CMSD 210Phonetics3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-100 or concurrent with CMSD 100. Phonetics is designed to introduce students to the study of speech sounds, with an emphasis on American English. Participants will learn how American English speech sounds are produced and how to transcribe using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Both broad and narrow transcription will be addressed. The clinical processes for articulation and phonological disorders will be discussed. Characteristics of regional and social dialects will be addressed. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 220Speech and Hearing Science3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-210. This course will address the science behind assessment and treatment in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology. Participants will apply the basic concepts underlying the production and analysis of speech sounds to clinical practice. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 310**Anatomy and Physiology of Speech3 Credits
Prerequisite: BIOL 101, BIOL 102 This course will address anatomy, neuroanatomy, and physiology of the human speech mechanism. Course content includes upper body skeletal, muscular, respiratory, and nervous systems. The focus of the speech mechanism in relation to respiration, phonation, resonation, and articulation will be examined in depth as it relates to the field of communication sciences and disorders. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 330Language and Speech Acquisition3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-210. This course is designed to provide an overview of typical American English language development, including major American dialects. Child language is placed in the context of social, motor, and cognitive development from birth through adolescence. Emphasis is placed on the crucial relationship between language development and literacy acquisition. Participants use basic language observation and analysis techniques to explore phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics and pragmatics. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 350Speech Development and Disorders3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-210, CMSD 310. This course will provide participants with a scientific understanding of the nature of phonological and articulatory disorders. Assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders will be addressed to help participants apply this knowledge to clinical situations. The course will provide participants with the knowledge of the normal aspects of articulatory and phonological development and theories of phonological development. Identification of articulation and phonological disorders, how to interpret assessment findings, intervention approaches and facilitative strategies will be included as they relate to clinical practice. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 360Language Development and Disorders3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-330. This course addresses the differentiation between normal language development and disordered language. Disorders in the areas of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics will be discussed. Participants will apply theoretical principles of language development to the assessment and treatment of language disorders. The connection between language and literacy including the role of the speech-language pathologist will be discussed. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 410**Clinical Methods and Management3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-315, CMSD-320, CMSD-350, CMSD-360 This course will address assessment and treatment principles, methods and procedures relating to speech, language and hearing disorders. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 440Audiology3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-310, CMSD-220. This course will address the anatomy and physiology of the human ear and the process of hearing. The basic principles of hearing assessment and characteristics of hearing disorders across the lifespan will be discussed. Participants will develop familiarity with the procedures and instrumentation used to measure human hearing and speech perception. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 480**Neurological Basis of Communication Disorders3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-100, CMSD-210, CMSD-220, CMSD-310, CMSD-315,CMSD-320, CMSD-330, CMSD-350, CMSD-360 Study of the nervous system and its role in normal and abnormal speech and language processing. This course is required for CMSD majors.
CMSD 485Advanced Speech Pathology3 Credits
Prerequisite: CMSD-410. A study of professional terminology, classification, etiologies, symptomologies, and appropriate therapy procedures used with individuals having specific communication disorders. The course is required for CMSD majors.

* Choose either PHYS 120 or CHEM 120.

** While most courses are designed to be completed in half of a semester (8 weeks), BIOL 101, BIOL 102, PHYS 120, CHEM 120, CMSD 310, CMSD 410, and CMSD 480 take a full semester (16 weeks) to complete.

To ensure the best possible educational experience for our students, we may update our curriculum to reflect emerging and changing employer and industry trends.

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